Security Cheat Sheets for Penetration Testing

Security cheat sheets for Penetration Testing by sniferl4bs. This cheat sheet is especially for penetration testers/CTF participants/security enthusiasts. Download and Extract Command: wget unzip Contents: aircrack-ng airport burp cewl cidr cookies dig fierce ftp golismero hping http https-ssl-tls hydra john maltego markdown medusa metasploit msfvenom mysql ncat nessus nikto Read more…


Tools Category


NoobSecToolkit is a Python Based Tool kit that brings together powerful security and anonymity tools and scripts with predefined security configurations and modifications. Making it very simple for students to get started with security! – Leo Edge Install Instructions (1) CTRL + ALT + T (Open Terminal) (2) git clone Read more…


Tools Category


Brute-Forcing from Nmap output   BruteSpray takes nmap GNMAP/XML output and automatically brute-forces services with default credentials using Medusa. BruteSpray can even find non-standard ports by using the -sV inside Nmap. Installation git clone Usage First do an nmap scan with -oG nmap.gnmap or -oX nmap.xml. Command: python -h Command: python Read more…


Tools Category

NXcrypt: python backdoor framework

NXcrypt NXcrypt is a polymorphic ‘python backdoors’ crypter written in python by Hadi Mene (h4d3s) . The output is fully undetectable. NXcrypt can inject malicious python file into a normal file with multi-threading system. Run it with superuser’s permissions. NXcrypt output is Fully undetectable. How it work ? Encryption module: Read more…


Tools Category


An Advanced Wireless Network Scan and Attack Script     NETATTACK 2 is a python script that scans and attacks local and wireless networks. Everything is super easy because of the GUI that makes it unnecessary to remember commands and parameters. FUNCTIONS SCAN-FUNCTIONS Scan for Wi-Fi networks Scan for local Read more…


Tools Category


scanless Public Port Scan Scraper   scanless Command-line utility for using websites that can perform port scans on your behalf. Useful for early stages of a penetration test or if you’d like to run a port scan on a host and have it not come from your IP address. scanless Read more…
