What is a Remote Administration Tool (RAT)?

Ever felt like your computer was possessed? Or that you aren’t the only one using your tablet? I think I smell a rat. Literally, a RAT.

A RAT or remote administration tool, is software that gives a person full control a tech device, remotely. The RAT gives the user access to your system, just as if they had physical access to your device. With this access, the person can access your files, use your camera, and even turn on/off your device.

RATs can be used legitimately. For example, when you have a technical problem on your work computer, sometimes your corporate IT guys will use a RAT to access your computer and fix the issue.

Unfortunately, usually the people who use RATs  are hackers (or rats) trying to do harm to your device or gain access to your information for malicious purposes. These type of RATs are also called remote access   as they are often downloaded invisibly without your knowledge, with a legitimate  program you requested—such as a game.

Once the RAT is installed on your device, the hacker  can wreak havoc. They could steal your sensitive information, block your keyboard so you can’t type, install other malware, and even render your devices useless.

A well-designed RAT will allow the hacker the ability to do anything that they could do with physical access to the device. So remember, just like you don’t want your home infested by rats, you also don’t want a RAT on your device. Here are some tips on how you can avoid  a RAT.

Best Remote Administration Tools For 2018

Tool Name Tool-Rank Tool Rating
Dark Comet 1st 9.5 out of 10
Black Shades 2nd 9.4 out of 10
JSpy 3rd 9.3 out of 10
Pussy RAT 4th 9.3 out of 10
Bozok RAT 5th 9.2 out of 10
Poison lvy Rat 6th 9.2 out of 10
Nj RAT 7th 9.1 out of 10
DameWare RAT 8th 9.1 out of 10
jRAT 9th 9.0 out of 10
Cyber Gate 10th 8.9 out of 10


How Remote Administration Tools Work

The RAT gives the user to access your system, simply as if they had physical access to your device. With this entry, the individual can enter your information, use your camera, and even activate/off your device. As soon as the RAT is put in on your device, the hacker can wreak havoc. They may steal your delicate data, block your keyboard, so you’ll be able to kind, install different malware, and even render your devices ineffective. A well-designed RAT will allow the hacker the flexibility to do something that they might do with bodily entry to the device. So bear in mind, identical to you don’t want your home infested by RAT, you also don’t want a RAT on your device.

How did – RAT get on my Computer?

Like other trojans, Remote Administration Tool – RAT gains entry through source programs carrying a trojan payload that you unknowingly install. Common sources of such programs are:

  • Malicious websites designed specifically to inject Trojans
  • Legitimate websites infected with Trojans
  • Email attachments
  • Fake updates presented for installed software
  • Peer-to-peer sharing software
  • Malicious video players and codecs
  • Free downloadable games
  • Chat software
  • IRC channels
  • Social media links pointing to infected files or websites

Symptoms of Remote Administration Tool – RAT Infection

The primary symptoms of Remote Administration Tool – RAT infections are:

  • Unnatural network activities: You might experience unnatural network activities resulting into slow network (Internet) speed because the trojan attempts to access your network to download other malicious programs.
  • Registry modifications. Remote Administration Tool – RAT attempts to add new registry entries and modify existing ones. As a result, you will gradually notice slow and unusual computer behavior.
  • Change in browser settings: Remote Administration Tool – RAT installs rogue files, particularly with the function of modifying your browser proxy-related settings. As a result, your Internet access slows down and unwanted websites keep getting loaded through pop-ups or directly in the active browser window.
  • Slow computer: You might experience your computer booting up slowly, due to unknown startup programs downloaded by Remote Administration Tool – RAT. You might also experience your computer performing slowly due to these malicious downloaded programs.
