GoScan is an interactive network scanner client, featuring auto-complete, which provides abstraction and automation over nmap.
It can be used to perform host discovery, port scanning, and service enumeration in situations where being stealthy is not a priority, and time is limited (think of CTFs, OSCP, exams, etc.).
GoScan supports all the main steps of network enumeration:
- Host Discovery (ARP + ping sweep): sweep <TYPE> <TARGET>
- Port Scanning: portscan <TYPE> <TARGET>
- Service Enumeration: enumerate <TYPE> <POLITE/AGGRESSIVE> <TARGET>
Plus some more:
- Domain enumeration (Extract windows domain information from enumeration data): domain <users/hosts/servers>
In addition, it has a few supporting commands:
- Change the output folder (by default ~/goscan): set_output_folder <PATH>
- Modify the default nmap switches: set_nmap_switches <SWEEP/TCP_FULL/TCP_STANDARD/TCP_VULN/UDP_STANDARD>
- Modify the default wordlists: set_wordlists <FINGER_USER/FTP_USER/…>
- Show live hosts: show hosts
- Show detailed ports information: show ports
- Reset the database: db reset
External Integrations
The Service Enumeration phase currently supports the following integrations:
ARP | nmap, netdiscover |
DNS | nmap, dnsrecon, dnsenum, host |
FINGER | nmap, finger-user-enum |
FTP | nmap, ftp-user-enum, hydra |
HTTP | nmap, nikto, dirb, sqlmap, fimap |
RDP | nmap |
SMB | nmap, enum4linux, nbtscan, samrdump |
SMTP | nmap, smtp-user-enum |
SNMP | nmap, snmpcheck, onesixtyone, snmpwalk |
SSH | hydra |
SQL | nmap |
Changelog v2.3
- Support to automatically configure settings by loading a configuration file
- Nmap output file names when running concurrently on all targets
Copyright (c) 2018 Marco Lancini
Source: https://github.com/marco-lancini/